
Congrès européen ESGENA 2019

Chers collègues

Vous trouverez ci joint l'annonce du congrès ESGENA , association à
laquelle le GIFE adhère , qui a  lieu pour la dernière fois à
Barcelone. Ce congrès permet des échanges  professionnels avec des
collègues de différents pays, des propositions de prise en charge de
soin, d'organisation en endoscopies, de voir des nouveaux matériels
ce congrès se déroule  en anglais. Mikael Mochet et moi seront
présents lors de ces journées.

Fanny DURAND - Coordinateur DIU Infirmier
Mikael MOCHET - Référent Digestif - Relations Européennes
Cliquez sur "Lire la suite"
Dear colleagues

Be part of the new and exciting format for nurses at UEG Week on 19-23
October 2019 in Barcelona Spain. The ESGENA programme lasts two days,
and offers a very interesting programme with
state-of-the-art-lectures, free papers & posters, lunch sessions,
workshops. Spaces for nurses are open in the hands-on training
sessions in the ESGE Learning Area on Saturday and Monday, October
19-21, 2019. See updated programme enclosed

Nurses have full access to the ESGENA congress and the whole UEG Week
from October 19-23, 2019 and benefit from reduced fees! For only € 250
you can attend the whole UEG Week programme in Barcelona from October
19-23, 2019 including access to:

ESGENA Nurse Programme on Saturday and Sunday
Full UEG Scientific Programme on Monday to Wednesday
Hands-on training from Saturday to Monday
Young GI Network
Postgraduate Teaching Programme on Saturday and Sunday
and much more

Link to conference website:
https://www.ueg.eu/week/programme/nurse-programme/  and

Register as “Allied Healthcare Professionals*** incl. ESGENA & other
nurses” for UEG Week to network face-to-face with your peers and the
scientific world.

Your colleagues could be interested too? Spread the word!

Be part of it & join us in Barcelona.

Marjon de Pater, President of ESGENA

Maria Vicenta Aramendia, President of AEEED

Mots-clés: esgena, barcelone

Les formations du GIFE, c'est en 2023 : 7 programmes de formation différents



Indicateurs performance 1 Site     Indicateurs performance 2 Site

 (sources 2023)